
Beautiful is a woman who has a distinctive personality, one who can laugh at anything, including themselves, who is especially kind and caring to others. She is a woman who above all else knows the value of having fun, and not taking life too seriously. She is a woman that you can trust and count on to brighten your day. She is a woman who can inexplicably make you feel really good just by being around her, and yet brings such great sadness when she is gone. She is a woman who I will never really get to know. 
by Your friend forever July 20, 2005 

(source: Urban Dictionary)

This must be one of the most accurate descriptions of what is beautiful, a beautiful woman.

Really, what is beautiful? What is worth being called beaufitul? The word itself is being misused so much these days and it has to get back to its real meaning and value.
Beauty is subjective, never objective. A rose can be beautiful but there will be one person in the crowd who will prefer lilies instead.

One of my favourite words from William Shakespeare's "Romeo & Juliet" (Act II, Scene II)
What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet;
(source: wiki)

Why this quote? Because the word "beauty" can be replaced with so many other words, subjectively of course. For me, personally, "beauty" is my boyfriend's heart, his eyes, the sunsets, the sunrises, late mornings, perfectly made coffee, it is the feeling of being loved and to love others, it is the pterodactyls in your stomach while being in love, art, walks, smiles and I could go forever like this. I've learned that so many things in this life are beautiful and worth being called that. 

What I've noticed moving from a big city to a small village is that we adjust our standards of beauty by what we see day to day, what surrounds us and we are influenced maybe a bit too much from others' points of view.
In a small village a girl with straight hair, dark brown eyes and skinny legs will be the most beautiful girl of the village. But then in a bigger city the criteria changes drastically. In my hometown Riga the answer of what is beautiful will be much more different than from the little town Sarnico where I lived last year.
Alas, I'm so curious how someone from New York City or Johannesburg would define "beautiful", "beauty".

What makes one beautiful? Their facial features? Their body? Or their mind?
In my little life of 21 years I've learned, oh if I've learned, that the true beauty is in the feelings, how others make you feel. Of course, looking at a pretty face is much easier than accepting other people's acne or weird hair colour. But a pretty face fades while a beautiful heart remains.
A beautiful body can't be framed in some categories, we all have something to offer and something that we just want to hide from the world. And we must learn that we are not perfect, no one is, not even Robert Downey Jr. (shocker, right? still love him tho). No one and nothing can judge what is and what isn't worthy of appreciation. Love can open one's eyes, for real. It has opened mine to so much beautiful things around me that I haven't considered before, new friendships and new things, and new mistakes, expand your knowledge's horizons and let you enjoy life much much more and make you feel actually happily overflowing with beauty that is around us.


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